Conferences, seminars, competitions

May 12, 2023  was online section "Road traffic organisation and safety" of 87-th everyyear science-technical and science-methodical conference of KhNAHU (in online form).

May 2, 2023 Employees of the Department of Road Traffic and Traffic Safety took part in a "round table" on transport safety issues. The "Round Table" took place in the form of an online meeting with representatives of the leadership of the State Transport Safety Service and employees of some other departments of the KhNAHU. In particular, Assoc. Prof., PhD Valery Shirin. The meeting was held under the patronage of the First Deputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Transport Safety Yury Martsenyshyn and the First Vice-Rector of the KhNAHU Anzhelika Batrakova. The parties discussed problematic issues of road traffic safety and issues of cooperation in the training of road traffic management specialists. As a result of the meeting, a memorandum on cooperation between "Ukrtransbezpeka" and KhNAHU was concluded.

April 12, 2023 The 85th international student scientific conference of the Khnadu (section "Organization and traffic safety").  Based on the results of the section's work, the Начинается скачивание файлаcollection of conference materials is published in electronic form. Video record of most interesting reports is available at Внешняя ссылка открывается в новом окнеYouTube.

November, 10-11, 2022  Online meeting of the V International scientific and practical conference «Transport safety - base of effective infrastructure: problems and perspectives», organized by our department. Results of the conference can be read at our Moodle server

Начинается скачивание файлаProgram

Начинается скачивание файлаParticipant certificates

Начинается скачивание файлаCollections of conference materials (reports)

April 13, 2022 Online meeting of the Student's scientific conference, section "Road traffic organisation and safety"  (in a distant form). Most interesting reports can be seen at Внешняя ссылка открывается в новом окнеYoutube.

May 13, 2021 Online meeting of the section "Organization and safety of road traffic" of the 85th scientific-technical and scientific-methodical conference of KhNAHU. Teachers and graduate students of the OBDR department took part in the work of the section. 14 reports out of 16 planned were heard. The participants were especially interested in the reports of prof. Lucy Abramova on contour traffic management and Assoc. Prof. Nataly Semchenko on the study of the level of accidents in terms of social and transport risks.

April 15, 2021 Student's scientific conference, section "Road traffic organisation and safety"  (in a distant form).

November 26-27, 2019  the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Transport Security - the Basis of Effective Infrastructure: Challenges and Prospects"

May 15-16, 2019  83 International Scientific and Technical Conference of the University was held

April 3, 2019  The 81st International Scientific Conference of University Students on the Faculty of Transport Systems on the section "Organization and Road Safety" was held. 26 reports were scheduled, and 19 reports were actually heard. The collection of conference materials for this section was published electronically on the official site of the KNAU on the page of the OIBDD department in May 2019

Conference materials

Directions of scientific activity of the department

1. Research of regularities of functioning of a street and road network of cities and their communications with logistic bases of transportations of passengers and cargoes. Research of theoretical bases of improvement of transport systems of megacities

2. Theoretical research in the field of traffic management systems, taking into account the principles and types of management and assessment of their functioning on the road network of cities. Development of principles and principles of application of advanced methods of traffic management, first of all methods of dynamic management of traffic flows.

3. Development of the concept of road safety management, principles and principles of road safety audit and methodology of its implementation.

4. Development of the concept and methodology of analysis and assessment of social consequences of accidents, risks of road accidents.

5. Transport systems engineering and development of methodology for system studies of specific subsystems that make up the transport man-machine complex. Solving the problem of traffic safety in the driver - car - road - environment.

6. Research of psychophysiological properties of the driver and influence of external factors on his working capacity, research of victimology factors in the field of road safety.

Works by commercial contracts and state budget themes

Teachers of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety making research within the framework of commercial contracts and state budget research topics, work on writing dissertations, monographs, textbooks and manuals, scientific articles, participate in scientific conferences, seminars, supervise research work of students. In the structure of Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University there is a research control center, which coordinates the work of scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments of KhNAHU.

Students of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety take an active part in interuniversity, city, all-Ukrainian student Olympiads, conferences, competitions of scientific works.

In 2016, the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety completed a comprehensive research work (Scientific and practical approach to improving road safety at railway crossings) (State registration № 0115U003272). The work was performed jointly with the Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport. The current state of the issue of traffic safety at railway crossings in Ukraine is studied, the priority areas of traffic safety are identified and a systematic approach to improving the technical and technological support of railway crossings is proposed. In 2016-2020, the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety completed scientific work on three economic contract topics that have state registration, namely:

- "Services for the development of the scheme of traffic organization on the roads of the Dnieper district" (Zaporizhzhya) (agreement №55-01-17 / DR-16 from 07.04.2017) - Head - Associate Professor of Traffic Management .IN.; - "Research work to substantiate the planning decision of the transport hub at the intersection of Sukhodolska and European streets of Izyum" (agreement №55-02-17 from 22.11.2017) - Head of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety, Shirin VV .;

- "Research and development of traffic management schemes on the street. Korolyova (0.32 km), street Egorova (0.23 km), street Communal (0.34 km), street Hetman Mazepa (0.43 km), street Tchaikovsky (0.42 km) in the village of Kolomak, Kolomak district, Kharkiv region "(agreement №55-01-18 from 07.08.2018) - Head of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety Ptytsya GG In 2020, the department began work on the economic contract topic "Research work on modeling traffic and pedestrian flows at key nodes of the street and road network of Kramatorsk" (agreement № 55-01-20 from 01.07.2020). Head - Associate Professor of Traffic Organization and Safety Ptitsa GG Performers: Ph.D. Bird GG, Ph.D. Abramova LS, Ph.D. Kapinus SV, asp. Tesla MM The subject of scientific research of these works was the problem of road safety on the street and road network of medium and large cities and towns, such as Izyum (Kharkiv region), Zaporozhye (Zaporozhye region), village. Kolomak (Kharkiv region).

Teachers of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety, with the involvement of students, conducted field surveys of traffic flows, which allowed to identify periods of maximum traffic load of road networks and identify features of the road situation that significantly affect traffic safety. Based on the results of survey work and research, specific practical recommendations for improving the street and road network were provided, as well as traffic organization schemes were developed. Since 2013, the priority area of ​​scientific work of the department is the study of patterns of traffic management in cities and country roads, the study of traffic safety indicators in order to improve it.

Teachers of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety for 2016 - 2020 published 10 scientific and educational developments. Materials of monographs, which were published by teachers of the department, are used in the organization of independent, research work of students. According to the results of scientific research in 2016-2020, teachers of the department published more than 152 articles in scientific journals, including more than 87 articles in professional collections of scientific papers, more than 121 abstracts of reports at scientific and practical conferences. The analysis shows that 100% of teachers of the graduating department of OBDR participated in international scientific and practical conferences, where they reported on the results of their research.

At the department the preparation of the doctoral dissertation is done by Assoc. Prof., Ph.D. LS Abramov on "Dynamic control of traffic flows in distributed networks". In addition, recently Assoc. Ph.D. OV Stepanov (now Professor, Doc. Tech.) defended his doctoral dissertation on "The concept of safety of motor vehicles in the transport process, taking into account the patterns of influence of the human factor." The department has established a scientific school in the field of "Theoretical research in the field of traffic management systems, taking into account the principles and types of management and assessment of their functioning at the VDM cities" under the guidance of Ph.D., Associate Professor LS Abramova (who had 6 full-time graduate students, 4 of whom have already defended their dissertations). There is a scientific direction "Research of theoretical bases of improvement of transport systems of megacities" (in which 5 postgraduate students of full-time training from which 2 have already defended candidate's dissertations take part). The Department of Traffic Organization and Safety employs teachers who perform the duties of members of specialized scientific councils (Prof. Naglyuk IS - D 64.059.02), which performs the defense of dissertations in the specialty 05.22.01 - "Transport Systems" .

A significant place in the scientific work of the Department of Traffic Organization and Safety is occupied by issues of scientific cooperation with other educational institutions. Especially fruitful scientific cooperation is carried out with the following domestic and foreign institutions and enterprises: Belarusian National Technical University, National Transport University (NTU), Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Belgrade State University , Serbia), Slask Polytechnic (Gliwice, Poland). According to the agreements on cooperation between KhNADU and educational institutions there is a constant exchange of results of scientific activity, educational and methodical experience, literature, educational and professional programs.


List of publications of employees

The list of publications for each employee of the department is given on the personal page of the employee in the section "Внутренняя ссылка открывается в текущем окнеStructure of the department"