Публікації за кордоном поточного року Список наукових праць, опублікованих та прийнятих редакцією до друку у 2023-2024 році у зарубіжних виданнях, які мають імпакт-фактор, за формою (окремо Scopus, Web of Science)
O. Orda, Y. Nagornyy, and N. Potaman, “APPROACH TO THE FORMING OF RATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FOR THE EXPORT CARGOES DELIVERY IN SUPPLY CHAIN ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CO-MODALITY”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 194–199, Jan. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2023vol3.7301. Levkin, A., Abuselidze, G., Berezhna, N., Levkin, D., Volkova, T., & Kotko, Y. (2022). The Quality Function in Determining the Effectiveness of Example Bioeconomics Tasks. Rural Sustainability Research, 48(343), 91-102. PAVLENKO, Olexiy; MUZYLYOV, Dmitriy; IVANOV, Vitalii. Determination of an Effective Supply Chain: Case Study for Delivering Products from the USA to Ukraine. In: Grabchenko’s International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Processes. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. p. 82-93. Kalinichenko, O., Pavlenko, O., Nagornyy, Y., Sevidova, V., & Soldatenko, I. (2023, June). Determination of Conditions to Provide Transport Logistics Support Service to Aircraft at Aerodromes in Ukraine. In International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering (pp. 390-399). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. Lomotko, D. V., Prymachenko, H. O., Shkurenko, O. V., Orda, O. O., & Shapoval, G. V. (2023). Dynamic Multimodal Transport Systems with The Participation of Railway Transport: Work Management Technology. LOGI–Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, 14(1), 215-226. Pavlenko, O., Muzylyov, D., & Trojanowski, P. (2023, June). Finding a Rational Option for a Cold Supply Chain Using Simulation on International Routes. In International Conference on Smart Technologies in Urban Engineering (pp. 297-307). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. Levchenko, Ia., Dmytriiev, I., Beketov, Yu., Britchenko, I., Bekmukhanbetova, Sh., Sadenova., M. et al.; Levchenko, Ia., Dmytriiev, I. Innovative development of the road and transport complex: problems and prospects. Kharkiv: РС ТЕСHNOLOGY СЕNTЕR, 196. doi: doi.org/10.15587/978-617-7319-71-8 Pavlenko, O., Muzylyov, D., Ivanov, V., Bartoszuk, M., & Jozwik, J. (2023). Management of the grain supply chain during the conflict period: case study Ukraine. Acta Logistica (AL), 10(3). Pavlenko, O., Muzylyov, D., Trojanowska, J., & Ivanov, V. (2023, September). Rational Logistics of Engineering Products to the European Union. In International Conference on Intelligent Systems in Production Engineering and Maintenance (pp. 25-38). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.